SRS Survey on IBM-MAIN Message Board
About this survey:
At Santa Rosa Software, we are in the business of giving the next wave of mainframers all the tools they need to ensure their success and the continued success of the platform we’ve lived and loved for the past 60 years. Mobile device usage is now an integral part of enterprise computing, and our goal at SRS is to leverage mobile to provide tools that help the next wave of younger mainframers thrive within the Big Blue ecosystem.
However, there won’t be an adequate number of next wave of mainframers unless we educate young technologists about the merits of the platform and what it means to the global economy. We are currently working with a couple of universities and consultancies to do this education and need your help. In the survey below we seek more information about who you mainframers are and how you consume information. This information will help us best communicate with the teachers and mentors who are bringing these new mainframers to the platform. We think we know what makes up a mainframer, we are them. However, we really don’t know precisely, and there is no research data on this topic, so we thought we’d offer up a survey in the best place on the worldwide web to do this, IBM-MAIN.
What’s the catch?
There is no catch, we aren’t doing some big sales and marketing push with this info. In our conversations amongst ourselves and with other industry-leading mainframers, we’ve discovered that we empirically know who mainframers are (we see you all at SHARE, IDUG and other events), but there exists no specific demographic or psychographic description for the make up of people working on z/OS. Frankly, we need your help so we can help us all understand one another, perhaps better. Only a very few of the questions below are required, so, feel free to give answers to whichever questions you care to. If you do not want to give us any info, that’s fine. We understand. We’re mainframers too.
We will share the results.
If you complete the survey and provide your email address, we will send you the survey results at the completion of the tallying of the data at the end of January 2024 (but we will keep you updated on the data as it’s gathered if you give us an email).
We are data security and compliance professionals and are committed to your privacy rights. You may read our privacy policy here. If you have any questions or concerns about this survey you can email us at
A note and a perk about z/OS password management
We have developed a mobile app that will generate and store mainframe passwords (RACF, ACF2, TSS). If you would like a no-strings-attached fully functional copy of our mobile app for z/OS password management for your time to read this and fill out the survey, just tick the box under where you enter your email to receive the survey results. We will send you a download code to use on the Google Play Store to download a free copy of our z/OS password manager. More info on our z/OS password management app, KhyberPass, can be found here.